We apply the sharpest thinking and expertly-crafted programmes to help create thriving organisations, sectors, communities, regions and cities.

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Regional Strategies and Action Plans

Research and developing key areas of focus, generating prioritised action plans for each area of focus, identifying investment requirements and opportunities, establishing outcome measures/KPIs.

Strategy development

Develop and manage strategy for sectors, organsations or individuals including establishing vision/mission/goals, identifying areas of competitive advantage.

Media / crisis communications

Crisis communications strategy, scenario development and testing,media management, media training, in-situ media advice.


Board level, executive team or stakeholders. May be strategy related, issues related, project related.

Issues management and resolution

Issues management strategy, issues resolution workshops, one-on-one engagement, mediation and guidance.

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Project governance and management

Establishing and managing projects, creating/reviewing project charters, managing communications and stakeholder requirements, governance arrangements, reporting formats and collateral, creating work programmes, action plans, implementation structure and delivery.

Stakeholder engagement and communications

Internal communication and external communications programmes including the development and implementation of strategy, organisational or brand values programmes, stakeholder interviewing and focus groups.

PR, branding and marketing

Development of public relations programmes, media strategy and engagement, brand identity and strategy, website development, content writing and content management.


Identifying possible sources of central government or other funding (e.g. trusts, private business), preparing the application(s), providing support in navigating the application process.

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Review and Analysis

Analytical reports

Information gathering, review and analysis across sectors, organisations, central or local government, and industries including economic analysis, review of existing strategies, stakeholder interviews, review of institutional arrangements.

Business cases and feasibility studies

Detailed, technical socio-economic impact analysis - from concept development, to feasibility studies, to business case development, through to funding and co-investment propositions.

Institutional design and arrangements

Review remit of current agencies, investigate alternative arrangements , gather key stakeholder feedback – political, staff, external, establishing roles and skills required and what management and governance arrangements are appropriate, establishing or amending arrangements.

HenleyHutchings is an AOG (all of Government) provider in the Policy, Research and Development and Marketing and Public Relations categories.

In our experience, excellent strategies often fail through poor implementation. We have the skills and experience required to support you from strategy to delivery, to ensure your planned outcomes are achieved.